September is FASD Awareness Month

This year’s theme for FASD Awareness Month is Uniting Our Strengths: Finding Solutions Together. FASD is a very complex issue that intersects with many different fields. The impacts of FASD matter to the whole community. We all have a role to play and need to work together to find solutions.

For information & resources on FASD, visit

What is FASD?

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a diagnostic term used to describe impacts on the brain and body of individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol. FASD is a lifelong disability. Individuals with FASD will experience some degree of challenges in their daily living and need support with motor skills, physical health, learning, memory, attention, communication, emotional regulation, and social skills to reach their full potential. (FASD Ontario)

Start the Conversation

In Grey-Bruce, we encourage organizations & individuals to: